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ARENA Specific A-Frame Components

These are the A-Frame components added to support ARENA core functionality.



Tracking camera movement in real time. Emits camera pose change and VIO change events.


Tracking Hand controller movement in real time.


Another user's camera in the ARENA. Handles Jitsi and display name updates.


ARMarker Component. Supports ARMarkers in a scene


Attribution Component. Saves attribution data in any entity. The following properties can be saved.

If extractAssetExtras=true (default), the attribution system attempts to extract data automatically from the model (requires models with authorship metadata; e.g. models downloaded from sketchfab have these data)


Create an observer to listen for changes made locally in the A-Frame Inspector and publish them to MQTT.


Create an observer to listen for changes made locally in the A-Frame Inspector and publish them to MQTT.


Keep track of mouse events and publish corresponding events


Listen for collisions, callback on event. Requires Physics for A-Frame VR


Detect multi-finger touch gestures. Publish events accordingly. Based off 8th Wall's gesture-detector


Load new URL when object is clicked


One physics feature is applying an impulse to an object to set it in motion. This happens in conjunction with an event. Requires Physics for A-Frame VR


Apply a jitsi video to a geometry Jitsi video source can be defined using a jitsiId or (ARENA/Jitsi) display name


Component-System of teleport destination Landmarks


Load scene from persistence.


Allows to set extra material properties, namely texture colorspace, whether to render the material's color and render order. The properties set here access directly Three.js material. Implements a timeout scheme in lack of better management of the timing/events causing properties to not be available.


Publish with qos of 2 for network graph to update latency


Load Point Cloud Data (PCD) models using three.js example loader Point Cloud Data is a file format for Point Cloud Library.


Press and move camera; User camera movement with the mouse. Based off wasd controls


Screenshare-able Component. Allows an object to be screenshared upon


Opens an HTML prompt when clicked. Sends text input as an event on MQTT


Load a THREE.js scene. THREE.js scene format is an almost direct serialization of the THREE.js objects, and can be THREE.js version-specific; you can see THREE.js version in the JS console once you open ARENA For a move portable format, using glTF is preferred.


Time To Live (TTL) component.

When applied to an entity, the entity will remove itself from DOM after the specified number of seconds. Update is allowed, which will reset the timer to start from that moment.


Adds a video to an entity and controls its playback.



Called when Jitsi local stats are updated, used to save local status for stats-monitor.


Tracking camera movement in real time. Emits camera pose change and VIO change events.


Name Type Description
enabled boolean Indicates whether camera tracking is enabled.
vioEnabled boolean Indicates whether to publish VIO on every tick (if true).
displayName string User display name (used to publish camera data).
color string Head text color.
rotation Array.<number> Last camera rotation value.
position Array.<number> Last camera position value.
vioRotation Array.<number> Last VIO rotation value.
vioPosition Array.<number> Last VIO position value.
showStats boolean Display camera position on the screen.


Tracking Hand controller movement in real time.


Name Type Description
enabled boolean Controller enabled.
hand string Controller hand.


Another user’s camera in the ARENA. Handles Jitsi and display name updates.


Name Type Default Description
[color] color white The color for the user’s name text.
[headModelPath] string "/static/models/avatars/robobit.glb" Path to user head model
[presence] string   type of presence for user
[jitsiId] string   User jitsi id.
[displayName] string   User display name.
[hasAudio] boolean false Whether the user has audio on.
[hasVideo] boolean false Whether the user has video on.


ARMarker Component. Supports ARMarkers in a scene


Name Type Default Description
[markertype] string "apriltag_36h11" The marker type. One of ‘apriltag_36h11’, ‘lightanchor’, ‘uwb’
[dynamic] boolean false Whether tag is a static and used to for camera relocalization, or dynamically changes position
[publish] boolean false Publish tag detections.
[markerid] string   Marker id. Typically an integer (e.g. for AprilTag 36h11 family, an integer in the range [0, 586])
[size] number 150 Size of the marker (assumed to be a square), if applicable (mm).
[url] string   A URL associated with the marker.
[lat] number 0 Marker latitude.
[long] number 0 Marker longitude.
[ele] number 0 Marker elevation.


Attribution Component. Saves attribution data in any entity. The following properties can be saved. If extractAssetExtras=true (default), the attribution system attempts to extract data automatically from the model (requires models with authorship metadata; e.g. models downloaded from sketchfab have these data)


Name Type Default Description
[author] string "Unknown" Author name; e.g. “Vaptor-Studio”
[authorURL] string   Author homepage/profile; e.g.
[license] string "Unknown" License summary/short name; e.g. “CC-BY-4.0”.
[licenseURL] string   License URL; e.g.
[source] string "Unknown" Model source e.g. “Sketchfab”.
[sourceURL] string   Model source URL; e.g.
[title] string "No Title" Model title; e.g. “Spinosaurus”.
id string   The entity id in the scene; automatically filled in on component init
[extractAssetExtras] boolean true Extract attribution info from asset extras; will override attribution info given (default: true)


Create an observer to listen for changes made locally in the A-Frame Inspector and publish them to MQTT.


Create an observer to listen for changes made locally in the A-Frame Inspector and publish them to MQTT.


Keep track of mouse events and publish corresponding events


  • Consolidate event listeners (they are very similar)


Listen for collisions, callback on event. Requires Physics for A-Frame VR

Requires: module:'aframe-physics-system'


Detect multi-finger touch gestures. Publish events accordingly. Based off 8th Wall’s gesture-detector


Load new URL when object is clicked


Name Type Default Description
on string   A case-sensitive string representing the event type to listen for, e.g. ‘mousedown’, ‘mouseup’
url string   The destination url e.g.
[dest] string "sametab" Where to open the URL; one of ‘popup’, ‘newtab’, ‘sametab’


One physics feature is applying an impulse to an object to set it in motion. This happens in conjunction with an event. Requires Physics for A-Frame VR

Requires: module:aframe-physics-system


Apply a jitsi video to a geometry Jitsi video source can be defined using a jitsiId or (ARENA/Jitsi) display name


Name Type Description
[jitsiId] string JitsiId of the video source; If defined will override displayName
[displayName] string ARENA or Jitsi display name of the video source; Will be ignored if jitsiId is given. Editing this property requires reload


Component-System of teleport destination Landmarks


Name Type Default Description
[randomRadiusMin] number 0 Min for a random range to teleport to. Max must > 0
[randomRadiusMax] number 0 Max for a random range to teleport to.
[offsetPosition] THREE.Vector3 {0,1.6,0} vector3 {x,y,z} to use as static teleport offset
[constrainToNavMesh] string "'false'" Teleports here should snap to navmesh. [‘false’, ‘any’, ‘coplanar’]
[startingPosition] boolean false True: use as a random scene load-in position
[lookAtLandmark] boolean true True: After teleporting, user should rotate @ landmark
label string "''" Display label for Landmarks UI menu


Load scene from persistence.


  • this component is currently not used and probably needs to be updated


Allows to set extra material properties, namely texture colorspace, whether to render the material’s color and render order. The properties set here access directly Three.js material. Implements a timeout scheme in lack of better management of the timing/events causing properties to not be available.


Name Type Default Description
[overrideSrc] string "''" Overrides the material in all meshes of an object (e.g. a basic shape or a GLTF).
[colorSpace] string "SRGBColorSpace" The material colorspace; See Three.js material.
[colorWrite] boolean true Whether to render the material’s color. See Three.js material.
[renderOrder] number 1 This value allows the default rendering order of scene graph objects to be overridden. See Three.js Object3D.renderOrder.
[transparentOccluder] boolean false If true, will set colorWrite=false and renderOrder=0 to make the material a transparent occluder.


Publish with qos of 2 for network graph to update latency


Name Type Default Description
UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS number 10000 Interval to send the periodic pings (ms)


Load Point Cloud Data (PCD) models using three.js example loader Point Cloud Data is a file format for Point Cloud Library.


Press and move camera; User camera movement with the mouse. Based off wasd controls


Name Type Default Description
[acceleration] number 30 Movement acceleration.
[enabled] boolean true Is the camera movement component enabled.
[fly] boolean true Is the camera at a fixed height (fly=false) or not (fly=true)


Screenshare-able Component. Allows an object to be screenshared upon


Opens an HTML prompt when clicked. Sends text input as an event on MQTT


Name Type Default Description
[on] string "mousedown" A case-sensitive string representing the event type to listen for, e.g. ‘mousedown’, ‘mouseup’
[title] string "Text Input" The prompt title
[label] string "Input text below (max is 140 characters)" Text prompt label
[placeholder] string "Type here" Text input place holder


Load a THREE.js scene. THREE.js scene format is an almost direct serialization of the THREE.js objects, and can be THREE.js version-specific; you can see THREE.js version in the JS console once you open ARENA For a move portable format, using glTF is preferred.


Name Type Description
url string the three.js scene to load


Time To Live (TTL) component.

When applied to an entity, the entity will remove itself from DOM after the specified number of seconds. Update is allowed, which will reset the timer to start from that moment.


Name Type Description
seconds number Seconds until entity is removed
expireAt object Expiration time Date object


Adds a video to an entity and controls its playback.


Name Type Default Description
video_object string   the object id of the element where to display the video
video_path string   path/url to the video
[frame_object] string   path/url to the keyframe to display
[anyone_clicks] boolean true anyone clicks
[video_loop] boolean true video loop
[autoplay] boolean false video autoplays on load
[volume] number 1 video sound volume


Called when Jitsi local stats are updated, used to save local status for stats-monitor.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
e Object event object; e.detail contains the callback arguments